Healthcare Providers Succeed With Our Expertise

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Value Based Contracting

For a multi-specialty medical practice, our team renegotiated several payer contracts resulting in favorable economic impact constructed on a value based foundation. Our team also resolved several troubling contract language issues that resulted in a positive impact from an operational perspective. Additionally, we have many more payer contacting success stories and a long list of happy clients.

F e e f o r S e r v i c e P e r f o r m a n c e B a s e d B u n d l e P a y m e n t s S h a r e d S a v i n g s S h a r e d R i s k G l o b a l P a y m e n t s L e v e l o f E c o n o m i c R i s k D e g r e e o f P r o v i d e r I n t e g r a t i o n Payer Contracting Continuum

Value Proposition Development

For a large primary care medical practice, we developed an impactful value proposition that supported the group as they worked with payer partners on alternative payment models. This framework clearly articulated how the group compared to peers relative to ‘total cost of care’ enabling the organizations to consider innovative payment models. The result was three-fold: improved payer/practice relationships, movement toward alternative payment model execution and reimbursement to the practice for sophisticated population health investment.

Cost of Total Care
MACRA Readiness Assessment Book Cover

MACRA Readiness Assessments

For this large hospital based health system’s medical practice, our team evaluated their Quality and Resource Use Report data and developed a customized MACRA Action Plan.   Our team provided comprehensive MACRA education, feedback regarding measures optimization and a strategic MACRA Action Plan.  Our team was instrumental in preparing the group to be successful under MACRA and maximize opportunities based on your strengths, capabilities and vision for the future.

Revenue Cycle Process Improvement

For a 40-physician surgery practice with an ASC, performed an initial assessment and subsequent re-engineering of revenue cycle processes including establishing a monitoring system, standardizing policies and procedures for all satellite offices, and staff training resulting in an estimated $2,000,000 in added practice revenue within a six-month time frame.

Front Desk Collections

For an ENT practice client, streamlined front-desk collection activities resulting in reducing “days in accounts receivable” by 26 days and doubling practice front-desk collection revenues. Physician income also increased 35% as a result of successful implementation of best practices.

Dashboard Development

For a hospital system, developed comprehensive dashboards for associated physician practices. Dashboards informed leadership regarding practice performance compared to peers within the region. It included qualitative and quantitative metrics uniquely framing performance demonstrating environmental factors impacting the practice and pinpointing opportunities for improvement.


Assisted a hospital system with an operational overhaul including organizational structure, credentialing, revenue cycle optimization and managed care contract negotiations. Adjusted collections for their medical group increased over 200% and revenue by 64% within 12 months of project initiation.