Published Works
Prosper Beyond Founder Doral Jacobsen is frequently featured as an expert on the healthcare industry’s response to reform. These articles and speeches illustrate the solution based approach she’s known for in her own words.
Read our book, "Transitioning to Alternative Payment Models: A Guide to Next Generation Managed Care Contracting"
This book’s goal is to offer medical practice leadership teams practical guidance on navigating the shift from volume-based to value-based payer contractual relationships.
Medical practices, both independent and affiliated, that understand how their organization can and should position themselves for the future will have a significant advantage over the competition.

View our interviews & featured articles
This episode of the MGMA Consultant’s Corner Podcast features Doral Jacobsen, FACMPE, CEO of Prosper Beyond and an MGMA consultant based in Asheville, NC. MGMA podcast host and senior editor Daniel Williams sits with Jacobsen to discuss critical topics for medical practice leaders.
She shares actionable insights on navigating the complexities of payer contracting while addressing disaster preparedness in the wake of Asheville’s devastating flooding that resulted from Hurricane Helene.
In this latest episode of the NCMGMA Podcast, we tackle one of the most critical aspects of healthcare management: payer contracting. Doral Jacobsen, CEO of Prosper Beyond, who has spent years helping healthcare providers navigate the challenging waters of managed care contracts, shares her insights on the data transparency issues, the hard truths about payers, and some of the horror stories she’s encountered when it comes to contracting.
This Women in Healthcare podcast features healthcare payer contracting strategies and personal growth lessons from Doral Davis-Jacobsen, a consultant with over 20 years of experience in payer contracting.
Davis-Jacobsen shares her experiences with host Adrienne Lloyd on recent trends impacting negotiations, successful negotiation tactics, contract timeline best practices, the use of AI and data in negotiations, and her internship program focusing on professional development.
Article on
Article on
This episode of the MGMA Insights podcast, featuring Doral Jacobsen, was recorded live October 10, 2022, in Boston at the Medical Practice Excellence: Leaders Conference.
Doral Jacobsen is interviewed by Taya Moheiser & Kem Tolliver
Article on Xtelligent Healthcare Media’s RevCycle Intelligence
Article on
Article by Becky Gillette – Memphis Medical News – Feb. 2017
Podcast with Doral Davis Jacobsen and Nanci Robertson
Article in the Healthcare Financial Management Association
Article in the Medical Group Management Association
PDF Download by The Journal of Medical Practice Management
PDF Download by the Medical Group Management Association